See, ya'all ain't takin this seriously...
Just wait till your son, daughter,
wife or husband gets mangled,
like hamburger in a grinder,
by a Muslim Terrorist BomB :( ....
This is Reality speaking to you... Think Tank..
Do We the People Have the Right to Shoot & Kill Muslim Terrorists? on our own soil?
Who has the authority to do this.
Who has the authority to do this may we ask?
Because they bomb & shoot & kill & murder us on our own soil in our own nation...
Muslim Terrorists.................
Its not an attack on your religion.
The fact of the matter is,
your religious group is associated with most the major bombings.
So do we have the right to kill them, (You ) also in our own nation?
On our own soil. Hibib!Q#%$#5&&%
You muslim hood wearing , identity hiding, mask wearers..
Which one of you behind the masks, are the terrorists??????????
Hey America!!!!!!
Remember ? 9/ 11
We'll, Ok we know the truth to that from the inside out.
So we have to roll with the story that they have told us..
Jet flying, plane passenger take over, Muslim Terrorists. Yes?
Boston Marathon bombing
Muslim terrorist. Yes? They proved it!
What about this latest fertilizer plant explosion>
Were going to have to guess, that was a terrorist attack also......
What about the recent two parade events....????
The Movie theater..... Denver
Was it really that kid, behind the mask that did all that???
The other guy got away.
They found the other gas mask at the end of the movie building..
We are being ATTACKED BY MUSLiM TERRORiST RiGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oN OUR OWN SOIL............................................ :(
Yup! The word is out.
And so as far as we can see,
the answer to the question above would be yes.
The average American citizen who is a real American,
and owns a gun,
does have the right to shoot n kill a muslim terrorist on our own soil....
We are acting in self defense. Yes we are...
Thats me and you my friends.
Why? Because they are Bombing us ( US citizenz ).
with out prior approval from Not One American.
Not one American approves of Muslim Terrorists killing us in our own country.
And we don't really approve of you'all living amongst us either. ..
So , We have no choice..
They ( You muslims ) are waging war with us ,
with in our own country,
on our own soil!!.
They are here,
we know you are here....
living amongst us.
It could be your muslim neighbor next door,
who is going to set off the next bomb ??????????????????? :(,
and kill a million people in the United STates.
Because we know, a major city is going to be hit......
Its just a matter of time.................................................................
What happened to those 99 russian nuclear suitcase bombs,
that were stolen..??????????????
And you know, that with a million people murdered,
every one in the united states would be connected somehow,
through friens or family or ties,
to one of those Million people that were murdered.
Yeah, were talking bombs of as bush would say, Mass Destruction.
Its just a matter of time,
unless we do something about it NOW!!!
Do you not see this, We the People?
Muslim Terrorists....................................................
Its not stereo typing.
We repeat, this IS NOT A STEREO TYPE.
We are not racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya'all made your selves look bad.
We didn't fabricate and bring this upon you......
And its not the Black folks that are setting off bombs.
Its is not the white folks, well timothy, but not really mainstream.
It's the Muslims.......................................
And so there are good muslims,
and there are bad muslims.............. Muslim Terrorists.................
But the fact of the matter is,
the good muslims living in our country,
will not seek out their own kind,
that make them look bad..............................
wHY THE FFFF.., , aren't you good muslims helping us out???
Your bad kind muslims,
are killing our children and loved ones...
We don't speak your fucking language.
So how do we know which one of you is good and bad??
We cant over hear, or understand what your saying...
So if your not going to help your own kind,
and seek out who within your muslim religion are terrorists,
then you don't need to be here in our country,
even if you are a good muslim.........
Its time for the Muslims to Go.
Its time for ya'all to go mother fuckers...
You all need to get the fuck out of our country for not helping.
We The People, need to kick them out of our country,
and secure the border,
until we can find a logical and fail proof way ,
of figuring our which of these muslims currently living in our country are terrorists.
Because, we are at war with muslim terrorists,
within our own country, on our own soiL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, we forgot to mention, O-Bomb is a Muslim.
Yo, Muslim Obama, get the fuck out of our county!!!
You ain't no fucking president. Your a muslim.
If you don't believe us, Here is a video ,
that we can guarantee, if you watch, will change your mind
Obama Hard Rock Video, Check it!
Good People do not try to take guns from good people.
Only bad people would make it harder for good people to get guns...
Its time to say Fuck You, to the Muslim terrorists currently residing in our Country.
Thee one and only, United States of America.
There will be no more mask wearing muslims in our country.!!!
If your proud to live in our country and be an american,
then you need to show it.!!
By showing your real self,
and not hiding behind a mask.
Robbers wear masks in public.
Bad people who try to hide their identity wear ski masks.
And so muslims wear masks too.
Ain't no different my friends.
Its time to rip them off their fucking faces or ya'all need to leave! Now!!!
We are only acting in self defense.
We have a right to defend our selves from Muslim Terrorists. Yes we Do!!
And we have the right to seek and destroy!X
And so to sum it all up,
once again,
who has the Bombs and are murdering AMerican Citizens...
We hate to say it...
But its,
The Muslims........................................................... :(