- is a streaming radio station that works with almost all cell phones ,
tablets, computers and smart TVs. It is based on an HTML5 format which is a universal
computer code designed to mesh with all electronic devices...
- Savage Rhymes Radio releases a new group of artists and musicians every three to
four months... Generally 25 to 30 new artists per group added at a time....
Send three or more Songs/Tracks ( .mp3 files ),
along with one or more pics (.jpg files ),
"Band, Artist or Album cover style photos"
Send us your whole album,
(Preferably in a .ZiP file if possible)...
This allows us to pick a few of your tracks,
that would be "suited best", for Savage Rhymes Radio...
- NOTE: We " DO "prefer the dirty versions!
Be sure to include the following with your music tracks,
before pressing "the Send Button"....
- Artist, Musician or Band Name
- Song Names including Featured Artists, Producer, Record Company, ect..)
- Album Name - *Not Required...
- Where you Rep.. What state... City...? - *Not Required...
E-mail your music submission to:
from all music sent in to be considered for the station."
Savage Rhymes Radio may not have public sign in pages for every artist and musician who wants to be on , but don't underestimate the promotional power of this radio station as a webtool for you the artist, to get your music out there and heard on a radio station with respect and influence.. Savage Rhymes Radio represents and promotes all original upcoming and professional artists."
After your tracks have been uploaded and added to Savage Rhymes Radio,
you the artist can then use the top browser link to your song when it plays ,
as a way for promoting your music by pointing and directing people to your tracks on Savage Rhymes Radio. This also eliminates having to tell someone to type your artist name in the search bar, or scroll down the list to find your music tracks on the station playlists.. You can point listeners directly to your music tracks by copying and pasting the top browser link to your music, "CNTL C & CNTL V IN MOST COMPUTERS" to another website link, twitter, facebook, or you can even e mail, or text your Savage Rhymes music link to friends on your cell phone. Ha Ha!
Once you have been added to Savage Rhymes Radio, your music become PERMANENT ,
unless you have been removed and replaced due a quality check.
Once your added , you have the power to promote yourself as an artist on this station,
combined with Savage Rhymes Radio promoting your music also..
So start copying and pasting your music track links to other websites for maximum exposure!
E V E R Y T H i N G, .. i S .. A .. D i G i T A L .. S i G N A L .. N O W ...
You must realize this in order to reach your maximum exposure
and promotion level...
WHeN Will My Music Tracks be Active on Savage Rhymes Radio??
- Please be patient. It takes some time to listen to and go
through all the emails
sent in daily.
Our team actually sits down and listens to each track
before adding a song to the streaming radio station.
We strive to offer our listeners only the highest quality in new music..
- NOTE: All Artists and Musicians Streaming on
if you are in the right category for the artist....
- Please check and verify that all artist information
is correct on the site when your tracks play.
- E- mail us if there needs to be a change,
update, or if we made a mistake.
We like to work with you !
- You did not include your artist name or band name in your e mail???
- PLEASE, do not try and make us sign up or register to a website,
in order for us to download your music tracks for Savage Rhymes Radio..
~ We prefer that you send your music tracks through your E-Mail to our E-Mail.
- You didn't include a photo with your music submission...
As a result, it will take longer for your music to become active on the station.
Our web designers will have to back track and contact you through you through your E mail
in order to try and get a photo from you for when your tracks play..
Sometimes we go to Google iMages to grab a photo but,
we don't like to assume and pick photos to Rep. the radio artists for the station.
Please Do Not send us Photos from MySpace! Too degraded in quality and size...
~ Were not here to Police your music, or tell you what you can and can't say,
heaven forbid, and we do prefer the dirty versions of songs over the radio edited versions..
But we feel there is some level of decency and professionalism
to which a public music site should live up to.
~ If you some how have the lyrical tallent to fit the words Fuck, Shit, Bitch, Hoe, Nigga, Slut, ect., multiple times into the first two beginning sentences of your lyrics in ur song,
then you
probably won't get added to this station.
Were looking for a more intelligent,
street wise and edgimicated sound from artists...
Dope Beatz and Real Lyrix to say, are appreciated!
~ If you use the word Nigga in your lyrics, but your not a black man or Lady,
you Will Not be added to the station. If your a Black Man or Lady, and you over use
the word nigga, which is sumwhat of a turn off to listeners , then,
your track prolly won't be added either.
See explanation here >>> So,,, U Like to Use the Word Nigga?
~ We may not have a category to place your style or type of music in.
We don't promote all music types... Sorry
~ The sound quality of your music tracks or songs you sent us did not sound that of professional quality or did not sound finished. We expect professional sounding music tracks. Did you send us a rough draft or the wrong version?
~ Just because your music has been on other radio stations, television shows
or in the movies doesn't automatically get you added to Savage Rhymes Radio..
~ If you don't sound confident in your swagger, or maybe your a
sloppy spitter, or maybe you just can't keep your rhyme in time
with the beat,
then guess what?,
you probably won't make the cut...
~ You prolly won't get added to the station if you talk about ur self alot in
your lyrics
. We don't like self righteous big headed Mo Fo's....
Peeps that say " I'm the best" . i'M DA SHiT, LoL!, EcT....
~ IF your intro is longer than one minute.
45 Seconds is pushing it for a musical intro...
You better have a real good beat,
to keep your audience waiting for the lyrics.
A long intro is usually boring...
~ I'm sure we can all agree that some people just shouldn't have a microphone or
instrument in their hands... to the point of where it becomes a comedy act... Right !?
Sometimes we have to save people,
by not adding them to the station...
~ We do not send out " You did not make it " e-mail replies or letters...
If were not sold on the first music tracks that you send in,
we won't tell you we don't like your music,
but we may
ask if you have any more tracks,
you could introduce us to for consideration for the station...
We try to give everyone a fair chance,
with what your working with at the moment...
Were not here to discourage anybody from moving forward
and improving from the point at which your talent level is at either.
Everybody has a learning curve..
If after a couple months, you don't see your music on the station playlist,
then hit us up with a friendly reminder.
We have a lot of information to go through. .
It's possible we may have misplaced your music tracks. But Rare.
Some emails come in as marked SPAM.
We do check our spam mail for music contributions,
although if we do not see a .mp3 or photo link,
we will prolly miss it. Usually most people know if their e-mail shows
up spam or not usually depending on what ur pushing on da net.
~ If your music tracks are not accepted for this radio station,
all we'll say is , any professional artist or musician that performs for a living would tell you,
it takes time to perfect your game..
Unless your just...... " That Good "......
We're guessin you would call that " A NaTuRaL PHeNoMiNoN "
Music Added Only By Permission!
Savage Rhymes Radio Does Not and Will Not add music
to the Streaming Radio Station WITHOUT PERMiSSiON.
That would entail a music tracks sent in,
or permission from,
the Artist,
Promoter or
Record Company
that represents the artists music to be played.
We make a point to add music purchase links,
as a perk for all professional artists on the station...!
By sending music to Savage Rhymes Radio through your E mail to ours,
you agree to give us permission,
to post the music tracks, pics and videos that you sent us,
to Savage Rhymes Radio Station...
- We DO NOT pay out for song plays...
Please realize that takes time and work,
to make this station happen...
- We are a new generation music station but,
we can't possibly keep track of all the artists &
musicians on this planet and were not going to try.
We don't really like promoting cover bands either.
- If there is a Violation of CopyRight,
on your music or video, then please contact and tell us..
and we Will, take appropriate action.
We have what we like to call a " PURGE , "of music
a couple times a year.
Not that any of the music tracks are bad,
and not for lack of server space,
but to keep the quality of music to a BOSS LEVEL..!
For the most part, if u know it's a HiT,
your track/s should be playing for as long as Savage Rhymes Lives!
What's in it for Us?
Were not here to make money off the artists and throw commercials in between the music while the audience is listening.. Nope! It is our intent though, to build the most bad ass streaming music station out there. We intend to keep the music & artists top notch and streaming non-stop!!..
All the others, just can't claim that...!
If U would be down to help out with promotion for this radio station,
it's a huge help to us, and we would greatly appreciate it,
if you could do some advertising,
by either
1. Placing a weblink to Savage Rhymes Radio on your Facebook,
Twitter, or other social website pages and comment boards that you may use.
2. Placing a "Savage Rhymes Radio ad" in your own town..
Most citys and towns have thier own local billboard website,
and or free ad areas that most the town sees and uses to get "tha word out"...
Savage Rhymes Radio is "A UnderGround Grass Roots operation"...
An ad for Savage Rhymes Radio,
could be placed as follows below ...
Mobile Friendly, No Commercials !
Come join us and Listen in @
No commercial interruptions, no pop up ads in your face, no registration required to listen in, no computer I.P. Tracking or personal information sharing with the world, because that's just rude to the musicians, artists and the listening audience....
Savage Rhymes Radio
If your one of the artists streaming on this station,
encourage you to talk with other musicians and artists you may know,
to have them send some of their original tracks our way for airplay...
The more people we tell about the station,
equals more promotion for your own music & others on the station.
It's kinda like the snowball effect.
When we all work together, the station grows quicker,
and more competitive with other similar stations.
Coming up in Da ranks,
more powerful and pres·tig·ious...
~ If you want your music or video submission deleted or taken off
of SAVAGE RHYMES music website, then you must E-MAiL us and
specify exactly what you want deleted.
We do not allow peeps and haters to access areas of the website
which could lead to a loss of music tracks and videos...
~ If you feel that anything at all is Un-American
about this "MADE iN AMERiCA" radio station,
then you can submit your suggestions or concerns